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Expanding into the foreign market - what you need to know before you start selling clothes abroad!

Expanding into the foreign market - what you need to know before you start selling clothes abroad!

Do you have a clothing company and want to introduce it to the foreign market? Check out how to prepare for successful clothing sales abroad. In this article, we discuss 6 areas that are worth doing some research before your brand's expansion to the foreign market becomes a fact. What's more, it can be much easier than you think!

The potential of the new location

Many entrepreneurs want to take their business where the money is. No wonder. After all, that's why they start trading clothing on foreign markets in the first place. 

However, sometimes expectations are misplaced, because they are based mainly on stereotypes and false assumptions. Brand owners count on, for example, that selling clothing in Germany will bring them incredible profits in a few months. All because wealthy citizens are supposed to buy just because they have money.

The truth is that a rich country will not necessarily accept every business.. After all, customers don't buy because they want to spend money on anything. They want to buy something that meets their needs and provides value.

As a business owner, you also need to remember that a profitable business must have growth options. Keep this in mind when choosing options for expanding into a foreign market. It is definitely better to delve into the topic and choose a country where your brand has a chance to gain recognition and customer trust.

If you have no idea how to choose the right direction for your brand's expansion into a foreign market, don't worry. It just so happens that we can help you with that. We have extensive experience in introducing fashion businesses to European markets. We know exactly what are the best foreign markets for Polish clothing brands like yours. Contact us and we will advise you on the right direction.

Market knowledge

Okay, we've chosen the direction of international expansion. Now it's time for the next step, which is getting to know the foreign market. This will allow you to choose the best channel for selling clothes on a foreign market. Depending on the country, customers may have their favorite sales channels. The same or completely different than your recipients in Poland. A German may be just as likely to shop at Zalando as at OTTO, while an Italian may prefer Tradeinn, which few people in Poland have heard of.

It is worth getting to know these platforms (and others (here is a link to the post "Selling abroad - 5 sales platforms you need to know")), because e-commerce is a great way to start selling clothes abroad. How do we know? Because we have helped introduce over 150 clothing brands to the market. If you want to join them and develop your brand on the foreign market, contact us!

Local preferences and culture

Let's move on. Now that we know the foreign market where we want to promote our brand, it's time to take a closer look at the local culture and customer preferences. This will make it easier to tailor your brand communication and marketing to your potential audience. More importantly, it is also a way to avoid misunderstandings or even faux pas on linguistic grounds. Sometimes a brand name can translate badly or evoke bad associations, as can a logo. For example, our neighbors across the Oder have more trust in brands that have a branch in Germany and at first glance look domestic. In another country, on the other hand, it may be the other way around: the more global the brand, the better.

When it comes to entering foreign markets, it is also worth mentioning the appropriate selection of products. Woolen hats will be more popular in places where it is often cold all year round. In Italy, however, they will probably be of no use, unless the target audience is mountain climbing enthusiasts.

Law and regulations on the foreign market

Another important thing to consider if you want to sell clothes abroad is: these are legal requirements when expanding into foreign markets. Each country has its own specific clothing trade regulations or customs regulations for clothing.

It is worth getting acquainted with them right away to avoid delays and unnecessary stress or even costs.

Legal issues can vary dramatically from country to country. They can include customs, quality and composition of materials, markings, storage methods and how information is presented on the online store's website.


Distributing clothing abroad requires reliable logistics. Your store must meet the standards of foreign customers already in the first days of its existence in a new country. To do this, the warehouse, shipping, and returns have to work as one entity. And that happens when you have one company for that.

At Huluki Trade, we have been making it easier for Polish brands to export their clothes to Europe since 2013. By working with us, you gain:

  • precise inventory management,
  • safe storage of products,
  • the shortest possible shipment preparation time,
  • efficient handling of returns,
  • certainty that each shipment contains proof of purchase.

Good logistics translates into satisfied and, more importantly, returning customers.

The cost of expanding into a foreign market

Remember that expanding into a foreign market is, above all, an investment. Therefore, you need to prepare for the costs associated with introducing products to a new sales platform. We take into account, among others: the cost of storage, product advertising, market research and possible fees for using a given e-commerce platform. Therefore, consider whether your business is ready for this. After all, you do not want the investment to absorb your current income.
That is why it is worth optimizing costs wherever possible. For example, by choosing our logistics services, you will pay only for the effects, not for the start of cooperation.

Now you know the most important steps to international expansion in the clothing industry. Remember, you don't have to do them alone! You can join forces with our team and make your task easier with our tools and experience.

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